Values of Vegetables and fruits

Values of Vegetables and fruits


They act as antacid
They strengthen bones
They are rich in fibre
They help to lose weight


They enhance the skin complexion
They protect colon cells 
They help to recover from respiratory diseases
They can cure chronic ulcers

They improve eyesight
They have high dietary fibre hence reduces the sugar level
They can prevent cancers like oral,prostate etc,.
They help to outcome from survey


They act as anti oxidants
They improve Complexion
They provide energy
They protect bone
They reduces low blood pressure


They enrich complexion
They improve eyesight
They can prevent stroke
They reduce water retention
They can resist infections


They can improve growth of hair and nails
They improve the immune system
They helps in digestion
They are source of vitamin K


They are rich in calcium
They act as anti oxidants
They are natural boosters
They are anti inflammatory


They can reduce blood pressure
They improve ones immune system
They can be consumed by any one as it is free from cholestrol and fat
They are rich in calcium and help in growth of teeth and bones


They prevent high blood pressure
They can reduce the weight
They can prevent asthma
They help in digestion

Water melon

They can decrease the risk of obesity and 
They can be used for asthma prevention
They can reduce blood pressure
They improve your skin and helps to retain the moisture in the hair as it contain vitaminA


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